Instructional Design Basics
The process of creating content for learning at the course and module level is guided by three overarching steps:
- Identify the desired outcomes for the learning experience. What should students be able to do upon completion; that is, what behaviors and skills will demonstrate mastery of knowledge?
- Plan for assessment of desired learning outcomes. What opportunities will you give students to prove that they have successfully achieved the desired outcomes?
- Create content, activities, and other learning experiences support student success in alignment with your objectives and assessments. How will you help students get from where they are now to where they need to be at the end of the learning experience?
This basic instructional design process of articulating objectives, then assessments, then content/activities is known as backwards design, and it is the process we use at the Office of Online Learning to align goals, teaching, and assessment.
If you are interested in the process of backwards design and how to apply it to your course, please reach out to our instructional design team via the form below and we will set up a consultation with you. You can also view our Instructional Design Basics guide to get ideas for assessments, activities, and other strategies to help with your course