Identity Verification

Online Proctoring and Identity Verification
SACSCOC accreditation principle 10.6 requires that the institution can demonstrate that the student who registers for the course is the same student who participates in and receives credit for the course. The primary means of demonstrating this at UGA is using a secure login (MyID/Password) with two-factor authentication eLC.
If you are using tools outside of eLC in your course, it is important to construct your activities in such a way that students are filtered through eLC as a method for satisfying the identity verification requirement.
Another option for identity verification is to use online proctoring for assessments. UGA has adopted Respondus Monitor for online proctoring in eLC and for ALEKS at no additional cost to students. Other proctoring solutions chosen by instructors may incur an additional charge for students and that cost must be disclosed to the students during the registration process per UGA’s Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 21. Your course sectioning officers can help you with this process, which is done at an extra cost to the students.